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Announcements & Special Offers

during our bus
iness hours

[ the phone number at each clinic also has texting capabilities ]


There is now a

When you are scheduled with a Technician to perform certain professional services that don't require a Doctor visit, we will charge a small fee for their professional skills,
knowledge, and 
time spent with your pet.


Our Clinics require a current
(aka, Kennel Cough)
for all dogs staying with us for Boarding or Grooming services.
The vaccine must be given at least 5 days prior to your visit.



​an osteoarthritis checklist

for your older pets

is it time to ask us about


for your cat?


If your cat seems to be moving slower, and not jumping or playing as much as normal, you may want to ask us if Solensia may be an option for your little friend.


OA (osteoarthritis) is a type of arthritis that causes the bones to rub against each other because the protective tissue is worn down, causing chronic pain that can become severe without treatment.  


If you think your cat may be suffering from OA pain, please talk to our Doctors at your next visit, or call to schedule an appointment for evaluation.


Check this link if you would like to learn more about this new monthly treatment option:




Rewards = Cash Back


Get rewarded for doing something you're already doing . . . taking care of your pet!


Sign up for the Zoetis Rewards Program when you purchase any Zoetis product from us, your Veterinarian.  Your Zoetis credit card will be mailed to you, and automatically loaded with rewards cash after you send proof of purchase.  Bring the card anytime you visit our Clinic and you may spend that money for any product or service.  



Sign up today at


Heartworm disease is a serious, potentially deadly illness that can affect any dog, anytime, anywhere.

It is found in all 50 states, and all it takes is one mosquito bite.  Heartworm disease is treatable, but it takes a physical and emotional toll on both the affected dog and their humans, not to mention the monetary toll, which will cost much more than prevention.


Now, you can protect your dog with a single injection ONCE a year, freeing up your monthly commitment to give a pill to prevent heartworm. 


ProHeart 12 is being offered at our Clinics.  It is an injectable heartworm prevention that gives uninterrupted protection for your dog against heartworm disease, but gives peace of mind to you.




If this cartoon depicts your monthly routine accurately, ProHeart12 injectable prevention may be

the perfect solution for you and your dogs !


HEBRON:  740-929-1493
116 N 9th St, Hebron, OH 43025

Fax:  740-929-4292

Email :


PATASKALA:  740-964-2401
9077 National Rd SW, Pataskala, OH 43062

Fax:  740-964-2408



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